Trajectories of sub-surface floats in the western Gulf of Mexico from the Deep-Water Dispersion Experiment (DWDE)

This dataset is comprised of the final processed data collected by 83 RAFOS floats deployed in the western Gulf of Mexico during the Deep Water Dispersion Experiment (DWDE), as part of the project “Implementación de redes de observación oceanográficas (físicas geoquímicas, ecológicas) para la generacioón de escenarios ante posibles contingencias relacionadas a la exploració́n y produccioón de hidrocarburos en aguas profundas del Golfo de México” of the Gulf de Mexico Research Consortium (CIGoM), funded by CONACYT‐SENER‐Hydrocarbon Fund, Mexico”.


The RAFOS database is a product with author registration in Mexico. It can be licensed for non-commerical use, and it is prohibited to share it with third parties, as well as to profit or sell products derived from it. Under these criteria, the only additional condition is that the product resulting from the use of this data includes the acknowledgments: ”The acquisition of the RAFOS floats data from the DWDE experiment ( has been financed by the CONACYT-SENER-Hydrocarbons Sector Fund, Mexico (project 201441), developed by the Gulf of Mexico Research Consortium (CIGoM). We recognize PEMEX for promoting to the Fund the specific demand on oil spills and the environment.“


Furey, H., Ramsey, A., Bower, A., and Pérez-Brunius,P.(2019) Trajectories of acoustically tracked subsurface floats in the western Gulf of Mexico from the Deep Water Dispersion Experiment. Reg. INDAUTOR Mexico (03-2019-120510230900-01, 13-Diciembre-2019)


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